Governors and their Impact


The membership of the Governing Body comprises parents, staff, an LA nominee, and members of the local community. Governors are elected for a 4-year term.

When the term expires, Staff and Parent Governors can submit themselves for re-election as Co-opted Governors.  

The term of Co-opted Governors can be extended for further 4 year terms subject to attendance and contribution to the Governing Body.

The Governing Body meets at least once a term. School Development Plan (SDP), Finance, Pay and Staffing, Swan Centre and Safeguarding, Premises Health and Safety committees meet regularly. They are involved in the recruitment and selection of senior staff.

The Governors have completed the annual return and there are no undeclared interests.

At Strand on the Green Infant and Nursery, we have a constitution of 13 Governors, 2 Associate Members and the Headteacher.

Chair's Welcome

Helle colourAs chair of the Governing Body at Strand on the Green Infant and Nursery School, I am proud to support our school’s mission of cherishing and inspiring every child with an active, engaging, and stimulating curriculum, experienced and dedicated staff, an engaged and active governing body as well as our outstanding local community of parents, carers and Strand families.

My journey at Strand on the Green Infant and Nursery school has taken me from Nursery parent via parent governor to co-opted governor and, since November 2021, chair of governors. In fact, from our original Strand cohort, I am the “last one still at Strand” – something to be proud of. I am privileged to remain here, serving a school I believe to have an unparalleled warm and inspiring atmosphere fostering great learning for all of our children in a supportive and nurturing environment.

If you are a prospective Strand family and haven’t visited us yet, please book a place on one of the school’s regular tours (via the school office) and come and meet us.

Helle Kaiser-Nielsen is our current Chair of Governors,  she can be contacted using the address below:

Ms Helle Kaiser-Nielsen
C/O Strand on the Green Infant and Nursery School
Thames Road
W4 3NX

Governors Committees


Pay and Staffing

School Development Plan and Curriculum

Safeguarding, Premises and Health and Safety

Swan Centre Joint Committee

Headteacher Performance Management Panel