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PSHE and RSE (Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education)
PSHE and RSE are planned carefully and progressively to help children ‘learn for life’. We believe there are many pieces that go together in regards to preparing, developing and helping the children in our school to be caring, active and happy citizens of the local, national and global community that we are all part of.
Children are taught about directly about relationships in families and in friendships. They know that relationships should be positive and that everyone has the right to be treated well. Initiatives such as ‘Staying Safe and Happy week’ and the NSPCC PANTS campaign help them to understand what to do if things go wrong.
Children are taught about the principles of equality and diversity; that families all look different. We learn and say the phrases ‘different families, same love’ and ‘all different but equal’.
Children are given a sound understanding of risk and with the skills and the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions. The children all understand simple things they can do in an emergency including the philosophy of ‘Clever the Robot’ to help them stay safe.
Living a healthy lifestyle is promoted at every opportunity. This includes teaching children how and why it is important to be physically fit, as well as developing an early understanding of mental wellbeing. Children learn about what their body needs to stay healthy including the right amounts and types of food. They also learn about medicines and safe ways to use them. Even from a very young age children learn that taking on responsibilities and helping is a rewarding part of life; we should all lead by example and make a difference, building a better world. They have the opportunity to help younger children read/ clear their lunch, be a friendship buddy or a classroom helper. Children earn ‘golden tickets’ for following the ‘Golden Rules’. Winning classes are rewarded with ‘Community treats’ (a fun activity that helps other people in our community).
The PSHE and RSE curriculum is underpinned by our six core values and a half termly focus on each; Respect, Thankfulness, Kindness, Working together, Perseverance and Fairness.
View our curriculum overview for PSHE here;