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Headteachers for the Day
Headteachers for the Day
by Mr Blenkinsop and Mr Price
On Friday 21st May we joined Mrs Townsend as Headteachers because we know how hard she works and how well the school runs. You would not believe how much there is to do!
The day started when we settled into our new Office and put on our Headteacher staff labels. We didn’t know what to expect but Ms Bhatti gave us a timetable. Mrs Townsend said we were very smart indeed, especially the waistcoat and the tie.
We led the staff morning meeting and welcomed some parents to a Coffee morning. We read some books to Nursery and took turns reading each page. Most of the children listened well but the second group was a bit chatty! Then it took ages (like a million years) to sign all the Friday certificates (Mr Price even signed his own which was funny). We missed our break by being too busy. We also gave out Golden Tickets all day.
The afternoon was mainly Assemblies. This was special because we haven’t done this for so long because of COVID.
One of the good things about the day was that we are now really good friends. However, the absolute best thing is that we like helping (true fact). We may like to be Headteachers when we grow up but we are not going to decide yet because there are so many things to be in the world and we can be anything we want!